Thursday, July 9, 2009

Russian Yellow Badge Inquiry

Copyright: Marianne G Petrino-Schaad 2009
Marianne wrote to me:
I was wondering if you have seen an authentic yellow star patch with the word for Jew in Russian embroidered on it?
I wondered why someone would make a patch that uses Russian?
I got this patch in June at an antique show. The seller had it in her possession for 30 years. She had bought it from a man in Carlisle, PA, whose father was in WWII and a member of the Nazi party. I have donated it to the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. They believe it is a fake patch.
I wonder why anyone would make a fake patch using Russian, instead of German, so it got me to thinking:
could there be an original model?
If so, where would it have come from?

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